20 April 2021
Later this year it is planned to launch a modern PVC manufacturing plant equipped with innovative machines and advanced solutions supplied by our partner Stürtz company. Very soon, we will be able to commence production in our brand new 5,000 square metre hall as part of a modern, high-performance cutting and machining FlexCenter for PVC windows and door profiles. This is another step which is to be taken on our way to automation of production. The next stage will involve the implementation of the entire logistics system including welding and cleaning lines, automatic sorting of welded frames and sashes, their transport, automatic fitting and glass sorting.
Our decision to increase the production capacity was taken some time ago, however it was a Stürtz's presentation that inspired us to enter into co-operation with this company. In order to invest, we decided to approach the subject comprehensively and to create a factory for the future, very modern and highly automated. We are sure that this is the only way to achieve long-term success. Stürtz proved to be the partner we expected due to its experience, knowledge, support and innovative solutions on a global scale.
The cutting and machining FlexCentre that is being under construction is an absolute novelty on the Polish market. Thanks to the parallel machining operations - from the application of profiles, through PVC machining, to cutting - the time of the entire process has been reduced to a minimum. The well-thought-out, smart arrangement of individual modules also has an impact on productivity; what is even more, its compact construction ensures optimum space requirements in the hall. This, combined with the highly innovative MotionControl technology, guarantees the shortest possible machining cycles.
In order to take maximum care of the quality of the material to be machined, our centre will be equipped with an automatic tool breakage detection system using a sensor that directly transmits information to the control system.
In addition, an intuitive information management system offering visualisation of all production and profile processing data, a diagnostic and reporting tool, as well as a maintenance management system and other options will be available.
The centre will also be equipped with an uninterrupted storage filling system (which can hold up to 10 profiles) via a timing belt conveyor. The guiding of the profiles on the FlexCentre will be carried out by means of horizontal and vertical clamping clamps, which will have a considerable influence on the precision of the machining. The machine, as part of our stock, will incorporate a highly dynamic pushing gripper system with direct drive and high speed linear motor to reduce the cycle time of the FlexCentre as well.
The Centre will be equipped with a 6-axis machining module containing spindles for various operations and a cutting module including three discs: 2 discs with a diameter of 550 mm for cutting at the angle of 45° and 90°, and 1 disc with a diameter of 600 mm for cutting at the angle of 90°. The Centre, constructed thanks to the cooperation with Stürtz, will also have a module for under-milling gaskets and milling the pillar.
This, combined with the highly innovative MotionControl technology, guarantees not only a high degree of flexibility, but also the shortest possible machining cycles.
Our new production hall will be equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and production workflows which have been proven to be innovative.
The solutions developed and proposed by Stürtz give us full control over maintaining the highest quality of components applied as part of window production.
Centrum wyposażone zostanie w 6-osiowy moduł obróbczy z wrzecionami dla różnych operacji oraz moduł cięcia z trzema tarczami : 2 tarcze o średnicy 550 mm do cięcia kątów 45st i 90st oraz 1 tarcza o średnicy 600 mm do cięcia pod kątem 90 stopni.
Centrum, które powstanie dzięki współpracy z firmą Stürtz ma również zaimplementowany moduł do podfrezowania uszczelki a także frezowania pod słupek.
To wszystko w połączeniu z wysoce innowacyjną technologią sterowania MotionControl – gwarantuje nam nie tylko wysoką elastyczność, ale również możliwie najkrótsze cykle obróbcze.
W naszej nowej hali produkcyjnej zostanie zastosowany nowoczesny park maszynowy oraz procesy produkcji, które zyskały miano innowacyjnych.
Rozwiązania opracowane i zaproponowane przez Stürtz dają nam pełną kontrolę nad zachowaniem najwyższej jakości komponentów, wykorzystywanych do produkcji okien.